A few hours ago, word
got out that Lando Calrissian is going to be part of the yet untitled Han Solo:
A Star Wars Story, and that Disney and Lucasfilm were looking for someone to
play the character Billy Dee Williams originally portrayed in Empire Strikes
Back (1980) and subsequently in Return of the Jedi (1983). The search did not
come as a complete surprise given Calrissian and Solo's long history together.
Now a new piece of the puzzle has potentially been
revealed, and according to Birth.Movies.Death. The Martian star Donald Glover
is directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller's first choice to play a younger Lando
opposite Alden Ehrenreich's
younger Han Solo.
With the Star
Wars franchise almost leak proof, it is impossible to ascertain the veracity of
the rumor being is presenting,
however the actor does have the
charm, confidence, funny bone, and dramatic talent needed to play the character.
Moreover, from the marketing standpoint Glover is hot property right now
partially because of the success of Ridley Scott's The Martian, and the comedy
series he has created and will star in for FX.
As always take it
with a grain of salt, but what do you think? Is Glover a good fit for the
Source - Birth.Movies.Death.
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