Today, Warner Bros. released a beautiful introductory video to J.K. Rowling’s latest writing on the Ilvermorny
School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the North American counterpart to Hogwarts.
"Well today we can finally share with you the
story of how Ilvermorny was founded, and more about its four houses: Horned
Serpent, Pukwudgie, Thunderbird and Wampus. But first things first, this video
should whet your appetite:"
"‘Ilvermorny’ is the second in a series of new
writing by J.K. Rowling called Magic in North America, which will help us learn a little
more of the history of magic in the United States before the release of Fantastic Beasts and Where to
Find Them in
The brand new Ilvermorny Sorting Ceremony was written
by J.K. Rowling herself. There are four Ilvermorny houses, named after four
magical creatures:
Horned Serpent – a ‘great horned river serpent with a
jewel set into its forehead’
Pukwudgie – ‘a short, grey-faced, large-eared creature’
Thunderbird – a creature that ‘can create storms as it
Wampus – ‘a magical, panther-like creature that is
fast, strong and almost impossible to kill’"
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