F Warner Bros. Replaces Justice League Dark Live-Action Film For Animation? | Galactic News One

Warner Bros. Replaces Justice League Dark Live-Action Film For Animation?

While we wait for the release of Batman: The Killing Joke, the next movie in the DC animation universe may have just been unofficially revealed.

The site for the British Board of Film Classification has in their listing for The Killing Joke, the additional material that will come with the release of the animated film and it includes a 7-minute and 50-second sneak peak at Justice League Dark.

Now, does this mean that the long-gestating live-action feature film based on Peter Milligan's Justice League Dark, which has been in the works since 2012 and that had Guillermo del Toro attached to direct at one time, will no longer happen? It's unclear since neither Warner Bros. or DC Entertainment have made an official statement to that fact, but it wouldn't be a complete surprise if that would be the case considering the apparent lack of progress on that front.

The last we heard of the live-action project was on October of 2015 when producer Scott Rudin said that they were making updates on script, and were approaching several directors so they could start filming in 2016. A month after Rudin's announcement, it was reported that Evil Dead remake director Fede Alvarez and Big Bad Wolves directors Aharon Keshales and Navot Papushado were being eyed to helm the supernatural film, but since then not a word was heard from the project.
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