Paramount Pictures has released the
trailer for Mark Osborne (Kung Fu Panda, SpongeBob Square Pants) adaptation of Antoine de
Saint-Exupéry's immortal novel, The Little Prince. Written by Irena Brignull and Bob Persichetti, the adaptation of The Little Prince tells the story of a
little girl who breaks way from her mother's strict life schedule to hang out
with the retired aviator that lives next door and who during the course of the
summer shares with her the magical story of a boy called Little Prince.
Opening on March 18, 2016, The Little
Prince stars in the English version Riley Osborn, Mackenzie Foy as the Little
Girl, Jeff Bridges as the pilot, Rachel McAdams as the Mother, Paul Rudd as Mr.
Prince, James Franco as the Fox, Marion Cotillard as the Rose, Benicio Del Toro
as the Snake, Paul Giamatti as the Academy Teacher, Ricky Gervais as the
Conceited Man, Albert Brooks as the Businessman, and Bud Cort as The King.
In the French version, Andrea
Santamaria voices the Little Prince, Clara Poincaré the Little Girl, André
Dussollier the pilot, Vincent Cassel the Fox, Vincent Lindon the Businessman,
Laurent Lafitte the Conceited Man, Florence Foresti the Mother, and Guillaume
Gallienne the Snake.
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