F Michael James Shaw On Playing Papa Midnite On Constantine | Galactic News One

Michael James Shaw On Playing Papa Midnite On Constantine

Ahead of tonight's episode of Constantine, actor's Michael James Shaw, who will make his debut on the show has Papa Midnite talks about how his character and John will meet.

"In this first encounter, Constantine and I are after an object of great value and we both need it for different reasons and it's a pretty hard fight to get it. I don't know if I can say anymore than that, but it's a fun fight to watch between the two of us.

I enjoy [being Constantine's adversary and ally]. Even in Papa Midnite being an [ally], there's still a great amount of tension between the two of them. Nothing is ever completely resolved. I think that's the fun of it. How do you put whatever differences in your past aside to work for the greater good or maybe a greater evil -- Who knows? -- but that's the fun of it, the compromise and why one has to compromise."

Shaw adds that there haven't been any flashbacks filmed for his character, but fans of Vertigo's Hellblazer comic will still be satisfied with how the character's past is being let know.

"No flashback opportunities yet, but there have been some moments of allusion to his past and I think it will all add up in the end. The fans of "Hellblazer" will definitely get their fill of Papa Midnite."

Source - HitFix

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