F Marvel Teases Avengers VS. X-Men For 2015 | Galactic News One

Marvel Teases Avengers VS. X-Men For 2015

Fourteen.  With Avengers VS. X-Men that is the number of titles Marvel Comics have teased so far.

It's still unclear what it all means, but some believe that it will all tie-in to Jonathan Hickman and Esad Ribic's Secret Wars.

Here are the other titles marvel has teased so far:

- Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows
- Future Imperfect
- Age of Apocalypse
- Ultimate Universe
- Inhumans Attilan Rising
Old Man Logan
The Infinity Gauntlet
Armor Wars
Years of Future Past
Age of Ultron Vs. Marvel Zombies
Planet Hulk
- Secret Wars

- Civil War

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