F Terry Crews Still Interested In Playing Luke Cage In Upcoming Show | Galactic News One

Terry Crews Still Interested In Playing Luke Cage In Upcoming Show

Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and The Expendables star, Terry Crews has expressed interest in playing Luke Cage a number of times in the past, but now that the Marvel/Netflix 12-episode series is linning up for a small sreen debut, Crews reiterates his desire to play the character.

"I would love to do Luke Cage. I heard they finally green-lit that whole thing and I would love to do something like that," said the actor to IGN.

When asked if had other superheroes he would like too play, the actor replied, "I have so many. I have to go back to Luke Cage just because he was our Superman. There were no African-American superheroes out there. He was the first. He was the man. He was the one. The only example we could look at. I remember then seeing Falcon and a couple of others. Even in the D.C. Universe there was Cyborg. But Luke Cage was the original one where you said ‘This is me. This is my guy. This is the character.’ So he’s the equivalent to Superman for me. But I have plenty. Second to Luke Cage would probably be The Hulk. The Hulk was amazing."

Source - IGN

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