F Michael Fassbender Pitching Ideas For X-Men: Apocalypse | Galactic News One

Michael Fassbender Pitching Ideas For X-Men: Apocalypse

When X-Men: Apocalypse hits theaters in May 27, 2016, Michael Fassbender will be in his third outing as Magneto. Despite the two year gap between films, Fassbender confessess that he already pitch a few ideas for a “certain strand of his story” to screenwriter Simon Kinberg explore in Apocalypse.

"Yeah, I mean, I haven't got a script or anything yet, but I'm always excited to see where Simon Kinberg's going to go with the next X-Men. X-Men's been great to me and allowed me to do so much, including films like Frank. I've had a lot of fun with the cast and with the character, Magneto. So I had a good chat with Simon [Kinberg] when we were on our way to Moscow, and we tossed around some ideas on the plane over there. So I'm pretty excited to see how it all comes together.

Well, I can't really tell you [laughs], I want it to be in the next one! I've had these conversations with Simon and there's a certain strand of his story that I think is pretty interesting and would like to explore, if we could."

Source - IGN

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