X-Men: Apocalypse hits theaters in May 27, 2016, Michael Fassbender
will be in his third outing as Magneto. Despite the two year gap
between films, Fassbender confessess that he already pitch a few
ideas for a “certain strand of his story” to screenwriter Simon
Kinberg explore in Apocalypse.
I mean, I haven't got a script or anything yet, but I'm always
excited to see where Simon Kinberg's going to go with the next X-Men.
X-Men's been great to me and allowed me to do so much, including
films like Frank. I've had a lot of fun with the cast and with the
character, Magneto. So I had a good chat with Simon [Kinberg] when we
were on our way to Moscow, and we tossed around some ideas on the
plane over there. So I'm pretty excited to see how it all comes
Well, I can't really tell you [laughs], I want it to be in the next one! I've had these conversations with Simon and there's a certain strand of his story that I think is pretty interesting and would like to explore, if we could."
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