While promoting X-Men: Days of Future Past, star Hugh
Jackman and producers Lauren Shuler Donner and Hutch Parker, spoke with
Collider about the next installment in the franchise, X-Men: Apocalypse and the
next Wolverine standalone movie.
When talking to Jackman, Steve over at Collider asked
if shooting the next Wolverine and X-Men movies back-to-back was something that
he thought was possible.
One of the things people don’t
realize is that you went from shooting The Wolverine to this…
JACKMAN: I did Prisoners in between.
But it was pretty close.
Pretty close. It was about four months in between.
Is that something you’d want
to do in the future, let’s say for X-Men: Apocalypse and
another Wolverine sequel? Or is that something where you
think that’s too much?
No, in a weird way that has crossed my mind if that’s the way things play out,
because physically, even though I was complaining about it because I found out
about [X-Men: Days of Future Past] a month before I finished The
Wolverine, so I was already planning on my cheat meals. It’s much
easier because it’s tough to get there, physically, but once you’re there, it’s
easier to maintain it.
shooting both films in sequence is something that the producers have already talked
about, but they still don't know which movie will be shot first.
It seemed what [Jackman] was
saying to me was that in an ideal world, X-Men: Apocalypse and
another Wolverine solo movie would be, in an ideal world,
filmed very close together to keep his physique. So are you guys planning
to film them that way?
SHULER DONNER: We’re trying
PARKER: We are.
We’re absolutely trying, yes.
Is there any target for when
you’re going to film Apocalypse or the next Wolverine?
Well, we announced Apocalypse to come out in 2016, so that
means we have to shoot next summer. And then we’d have to shoot our new Wolverine movie
either before or after that. I think after because it will come out
And as much as you have an ambition for these things, it is, as you said about
Hugh, getting a script that everybody feels is ready and right. Because
that is the foundation on which everything is built. So I think the goal
will be Apocalypse for 2016, which means at the latest
[filming begins] in summer 2015, and then the same thing with Wolverine,
either before or after, but based on the script.
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