Earlier tonight AMC made a live Q&A with producer Kevin Feige, director James Gunn and star Chris Pratt about the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy, which will be a shot in the dark for Marvel since this will be the first time the studio is adapting a more obscure story and characters.
Here is a recap what was said in
the Q&A, and you can watch the full panel below.
At the Q&A, Feige and Gunn
made the point of saying that they wanted to do something new and original, and
that Guardians is very much a movie about the characters.

Gunn: “I do think that it is a
completely original movie, and I do think that it is a character piece at the
core of it … Finding actors that were specifically suited to doing each of
those roles is what we needed to do … That’s what the Guardians are, an
eclectic band of characters who come together for a single purpose.”
Director James Gunn then shared a
story about casting Peter Quill and revealed that oddly enough he had no
intention of seeing Chris Pratt, who ultimately ended up with the part.
Gunn: “You know the story about
how you came about, right? I didn’t want to see him audition. We went through a
lot of people, and we saw a lot of really good actors. I was looking for
somebody who inhabited the role, but really went beyond it, like Robert Downey
Jr. for Iron Man. … I kept saying, ‘No, no, no.’ … He was maybe reading for 20
seconds, and I went, ‘Holy God.’ He was the one, I just knew it.”
Pratt, who went in on the
audition without a script ended up talking at length with the director about
the character. Pratt has been known to go between buff dude (Zero Dark Thirty)
to beer belly funny man (Parks and Rec.) and for this movie the actor says that
it took him some time to get into shape.
Pratt: “It seemed fast, but it
wasn’t, it was about 7 months. It’s fast considering how much weight I lost.
But I grew up as a wrestler and did a lot of sports growing up. There’s a
certain mindlessness to it that I like, you don’t have to think. And I’m great
at that. … I literally worked my ass off. … It works because the guy’s a guy
from a comic book. Look at those guys.”
One of the things that is most
memorable about the trailer is the soundtrack chosen, so a fan asked:
Why “Hooked on a Feeling” for the
Gunn: “There’s a lot of things
that people will find out when they see the movie. The song’s in the movie. We
know about the Walkman. Quill has a Sony Walkman and that song’s on his
After I saw the trailer it seemed
to me that the films has a different tone from the rest of the Marvel movies. A
fan also noticed that and asked:
What did you see in Gunn, and how
did you decide on the tone?
Feige: “It was less about them
being smaller budgeted films, it was more about them being awesome, and very,
very cool, and very, very clever … Slither is arguably a delicate tone; it’s a
horror-comedy movie which is not easy to do.”
Gunn: “Tone is tone is tone. This
is about the characters. … You have to fall in love with a talking raccoon and
believe that he exists … Take these outlandish concepts, make it fun, but
making it as believable as possible.”
A fan then asked if Star-Lord
will use his iconic mask and suit?
Gunn: “Well, yeah. You can go
online and see a lot of pictures.”
Pratt: “There’s a really cool
practical mask that I wore. It was really badass. There are the most amazing
props on this thing. It’s like the most amazing toy but it’s real.”
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