F DC To Make 3 Animated Feature Films Per Year | Galactic News One

DC To Make 3 Animated Feature Films Per Year

Although Marvel reigns supreme in the live action film department, DC overshadows it with their animations, and the upcoming Justice League: War should once again prove that. In an interview with CBR, Justice League: War producer James Tucker about their new “shared universe” animated movies.
This will definitely be the first salvo in doing new movies that are in continuity with each other,” James Tucker, producer of Justice League: War. 'Our next movie's going to be Son of Batman, abd that Batman will be the same Batman that you see in Justice League: War. Basically, we'll have two concurrent series of Justice League movies and Batman movies, and they'll be in continuity with each oter. So it's king of World-building.”
Tucker added that while plans are of course “subject to change”, their current strategy is two release two “in continuity” movies a year with a third one out of continuity, like for instance this year's upcoming Batman: Assault on Arkham, directed by Jay Olive, who commented on the potential stories for the films saying: "We can do original content, we can do New 52 stuff. I still want to do 'Gotham by Gaslight.' 'Red Son' would be a great one to do as a one-off."


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