F Tom Hiddleston Dons The Captain America Suit In Thor: The Dark World Alternate Scene | Galactic News One

Tom Hiddleston Dons The Captain America Suit In Thor: The Dark World Alternate Scene

If you haven’t seen Thor: The Dark World then you should stop reading, but if you are a fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and have seen it then you can appreciate this scene from the film.

Today Empire released a clip from the upcoming Blu-ray of Thor: The Dark World, which hits shelves on February 25th, and in it we can enjoy an alternate version of the scene when Thor and his mischievous brother Loki are escaping from the prison, and Loki teases his brother by changing himself into Captain America. In the film Hiddleston is removed from the scene and a Chris Evans is digitally introduced, but in this version we can see Loki wearing Caps attire and holding his shield. Well I’ve never seen a skinnier Captain America, Have You?

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