So far pretty much everything about the upcoming and highly anticipated Star Wars: Episode VII is rumor and wishful thinking. Are Hamill, Fisher and Ford return? Will Benedict Cumberbatch play a Sith?, will Judi Dench play Mon Mothma? What about the rumors about Michael Fassbender and Hugo Weaving? Will Episode VII focus on the new generation or the old guard (Solo, Skywalker and Leia)? These are all questions that only Disney or Lucasfilm but won’t for the time being. In the meanwhile a couple of new rumors via have surfaced. The first has to do with the characters in episode VII being based on those from the Expanded Universe and the other is to do with Michael Arndt writing Episode VIII.
Regarding the characters from the
upcoming Episode VII being based on the
ones from the Expanded Universe, like Mara Jade (Luke Skywalker’s wife), Ben
Skywalker (Luke’s son), Jaina and Jacen Solo (Han and Leia’s offspring), it
seems that A source has heard that these and more characters will be seen in
the film, only slightly different.
“Right now they’re looking at
using the basic descriptions of EU characters with different names. Luke’s wife
will follow the same template as Shira Brie/Mara Jade. Red hair, Green eyes,
attitude etc.
The same with the kids of the big
three. [...] Jaina will be the inspiration for the Solo daughter, Jacen for the
Solo son and Ben for the Skywalker son.
Most of the new characters in the new continuity are based on characters
from the old continuity. Fans should not expect to see Kyle Katarn, Corran Horn
or Cilghal, but characters who are very much like them.
This can not be made clearer, the
post [Return of the Jedi] EU launched in ’91 is dead. No story from Outbound
flight forward counts. That’s why Bob Iger said they would use the 17,000
character for inspiration for new characters.
Shira Brie and Mara Jade are the templates for Luke’s wife/Love
Well what do you think? Does this
make sense? I think it makes some sense, meaning I don’t think it would be a good
idea to have Kyle Katarn in the film and make him a background character, it
would just be a waste of good characters, but if you grab some of the attributes
from the character and create new one then fans (me included) shouldn’t have too
big of an issue, I think. What do you think?
Then second rumor pertains to
writer Michael Arndt, who as you might recall wrote the treatment for Episode
VII, which was then basically scrapped by J.J. and Disney and a new script was
then developed by J.J. and The Empire Strikes Back scribe Lawrence Kasdan.
According to the rumor Arndt wasn’t let go from the project but will instead
write Episode VIII. They say that because Arndt has yet to move to a new
project, he must still be attached to this one. It makes and doesn’t make
sense. He might still be attached or he may be taking some time off or maybe he
is working on other things that haven’t been announced, there are a lot of maybe’s
to say for sure whether he is or not attached to write any other Star Wars
As always take this information
with a grain of salt as nothing has been officially said. But what do you
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