It’s seems like Spencer Smythe might be appearing in some kind of capacity in Marc Webb’s The Amazing Spider-Man 2. A couple of months ago The Daily Bugle’s Tumblr page had a report that mentioned that OsCorp stocks had climbed up four points thanks to Smythe’s advances in robotics. For those of you that don’t know, Spencer Smythe is the creator of the Spider Slayers robots that torment Spider-Man.
Today The Daily Bugle Tumlr page has an interview with
Smythe, who seems keen on using his breakthroughs onto catching Spider-Man.
OsCorp Industries wants to usher in an age of
robotics, and has pumped piles of cash into robotics research. My interview
mission? Pry some secrets out of OsCorp’s Head Engineer, Spencer Smythe.
DB: Can you summarize your recent work in one word?
Smythe: Mobility.
DB: Elaborate, please.
Smythe: If you wanted an elaborate answer, why did you
ask for a single word?
DB: Tell me something no one else knows about your
Smythe: We have made significant breakthroughs in the
field of manned flight technology, fluidity of movement, speed and dexterity
evinced by our larger robotic devices.
DB: Hardware or software?
Smythe: Both. One feeds the other. Better machines
with enhanced artificial intelligence networks making informed, logical choices
at greater speeds. Better bodies and better brains.
DB: And how do you see this being commercially
Smythe (laughing): I don’t do marketing. Engineering
innovation doesn’t result from a focus on revenue.
DB: There are rumors the NYPD is interested.
Smythe: Well, if you want to catch the right fly, you
have to spin the right web.
DB: Very clever. One last thing, how is it working
with your son?
Smythe: Alistair is a brilliant young engineer and I’m
thrilled to see his career develop. I’d better watch my back or he’ll have my
job before too long!
DB: Domo arigato.
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