After The Avengers all the major characters in the movie (not Hawkeye or Black Widow) got their deserved sequels, Iron Man 3 was huge box-office hit, Thor: The Dark World surpassed the first by a mile and Captain America: The Winter Soldier is getting ready to be released, but what about the other hero in the film, the Hulk?
In an interview to Flicks And The City, actor and
bodybuilder Lou Ferrigno, who played the Hulk in the 70’s live action tv series
and that lends his voice to the character in pretty much all things related,
even The Avengers, claims that Disney has agreed to do another Hulk movie and
that he thinks that it will come after The Avengers: Age of Ultron.
All rumors aside, both Mark Ruffalo and Marvel Studio
President of Production Kevin Feige have both said that a Hulk spin-off film
would be cool. A new Hulk movie would have a huge advantage over the other two
previous Hulk movies, with Eric Bana and Edward Norton, that is Hulk is now self-aware,
meaning in The Avengers he fights alongside the team without going berserk, and
there is that bit when Banner (Ruffalo) says, but I’m always angry, and then
there is that scene that acts as not only comic relief but also fan service
which is him punching Thor and there is also him saving Iron Man when he falls from the
portal after sending the nuke straight to the aliens invader mother ship, these
are all signs that if a spin-off Hulk movie was to happen, it would be a lot
better than the ones with Bana and Norton, which were just “Hulk smash” unless
Betty is on the scene, of course.
Would you like a new Hulk movie?
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