Newsroom and X-Men: Apocalypse actress Olivia Munn is in talks to join Boyd
Holbrook in Shane Black's upcoming Predator reboot for 20th Century Fox.
Fox is keeping plot details under wraps, but according to THR, Munn will
play a scientist opposite Holbrook's Special Forces commando in a very
different setting to those we have grown accustomed to in a Predator movie,
suburbia. Yes, not frozen wastelands, not a humid jungle, not alien planets,
not the hot and gang-infested streets of Los Angeles, but suburbia, and since
this is a Shane Black movie, odds are it will be set around Christmas time.
Written by Black and Fred Dekker ("RoboCop 3"), the Predator
reboot is expected to go into production February of 2017, for a yet
unannounced release date.
Source - THR
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