F Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Characters Details & Surprises! | Galactic News One

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Characters Details & Surprises!

Are you ready to be spoiled on Rogue One: A Star Wars Story?

Although some of the character names on Gareth Edwards' Rogue One have leaked out, Entertainment Weekly has the scoop on their basic stories.

A delinquent who has been on her own since 15, Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones) has "a checkered past," says Lucasfilm president and Rogue One producer Kathleen Kennedy. "She has been detained [by the Rebellion] and is being given an opportunity to be useful. And by being useful, it may commute her sentence… She’s a real survivor. She becomes a kind of Joan of Arc in the story."

Captain Cassian Andor (Diego Luna) is a Rebel intelligence officer, tasked with keeping the volatile Erso (Jones) in line. "He conveys a fair amount of experience and the reality of what it’s like to do this every day, to try to figure out how to resist the Empire effectively and intelligently," says Lucasfilm’s chief of story development Kiri Hart. "It’s not easy."

Although he is no Jedi, Chirrut (pronounced chi-RUT) lives by the Jedi code. The formidable warrior "falls into the category of being a warrior monk," says Kennedy. He still believes in the Jedi creed even though the old masters are no longer around to protect the galaxy. "This idea that magical beings are going to come and save us is going away, and it’s up to normal, everyday people to take a stand to stop evil from dominating the world," Edwards says.

Although he doesn’t share his friend Chirrut's believes, the heavily armored Baze Malbus (Jiang Wen) is devoted to protecting him at all costs. "He understands Chirrut’s spiritual centeredness, but he doesn’t necessarily support it," Kennedy says. He goes along with it because it is what he friend believes in.

Hot-headed and abrasive, Bodhi Rook (Riz Ahmed) is the Rebel's squad talented lead pilot. "He flies a lot of cargo, one of his key jobs," Kennedy says. "And he tends to be a little tense, a little volatile, but everybody in the group really relies on his technical skills."

"The antithesis of C-3PO" is how Edwards describes Alan Tudyk's K-2SO. "Kaytoo is a little bit like Chewbacca's personality in a droid’s body," Edwards adds. "He doesn’t give a s--- about what you think. He doesn't fully check himself before he says things and does things. He just speaks the truth." Like Jyn, he’s also seeking a bit of redemption for past wrongs.

"He’s one of those people that has insight into you know specific aspects of just how the universe works," says Hart of Galen Erso, Mads Mikkelsen's character and Jones' very estranged father. "The circumstances of how the family got to the state that it’s in is something that we probably don’t want to share right now," Hart says.

Hoping to avoid a personal meeting with the Emperor's deadly right-hand man Darth Vader, Director Orson Krennic (Ben Mendelsohn) plans to destroy the Rebel threat with his squad of Deathtroopers and fall on the Emperor's good graces. "The bad guy is a lot more terrifying when he’s really smart, and really effective," says Knoll. "There is a lot of palace intrigue going on in the Empire, with people conspiring to move up the ranks and sabotaging each other. There’s not a lot of loyalty there."

Devoted Star Wars fans will recognize the face and name of Forest Whitaker's character in Rogue One. A Clone Wars veteran, Saw Gerrera is precisely that "a battered veteran who leads a band of Rebel extremists," who was once used by Princess General Leia (Claudia Gray's Star Wars: Bloodline novel), and who stands "on the fringe of the Rebel Alliance. Even [they] are a little concerned about him," says Kennedy.

However, "the Death Star is the event that sort of pulls everybody [from various Rebel groups] into a place of unity, and prior to that it’s a little bit more divided. Who are at the different ends of that spectrum?" posed Kiri Hart, head of story development on the Story Group.

Gerrera's first and only appearance on the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series was on the A War on Two Fronts episode in season 5. In the episode, a much younger Gerrera along with his sister Steela, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano, fought to liberate his planet Onderon from the Separatists' droid army.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story opens in theaters on December 16.

Source - EW
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