As predicted, the icy planet turned deadly weapon seen
in the official poster for Star Wars: The Force Awakens is indeed the Starkiller
base, the command center for The First Order.
"It is very much — and it’s acknowledged as such in the movie — apparently
another Death Star," Abrams says. "But what it’s capable of, how it
works, and what the threat is, is far greater than what the Death Star could
have done. Starkiller Base is another step forward, technologically speaking,
in terms of power."
How powerful you ask? Well speculating from what the
filmmaker revealed, I would assume that the Starkiller Base has the potential
to destroy an entire solar system, and we may have already seen an example of
that in the trailer. Remember seeing a forest be obliterated by a massive
crimson explosion? It could be a consequence of the giant station shooting at
that particular system's star. If this is the case then more than it being an homage
to George Lucas’s original surname for Luke Skywalker, Starkiller could also be
the perfect name for planet-sized weapon.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens stars Carrie Fisher,
Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, John
Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Lupita Nyong'o, Adam Driver, Oscar
Isaac, Domnhall Gleason, Gwendoline Christie, Max von Sydow, Andy Serkis,
Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, Kenny Baker, Warwick Davis, Crystal Clarke, and
Pip Andersen.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens on December 18.
Source - EW
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