F Star Wars: The Force Awakens Comic-Con 2015 Panel Highlights | Galactic News One

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Comic-Con 2015 Panel Highlights

Every year San Diego Comic-Con houses some of the biggest and most anticipated films and franchises that make us geeks shiver in anticipation, and for many including me no other property makes us shake more than Star Wars.

On today's Comic-Con panel for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Mr. Comic-Con Chris Hardwick was the moderator, and he introduced onto the stage Kathleen Kennedy, J.J. Abrams, Lawrence Kasdan, John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver, Domhnall Gleeson, Gwendoline Christie, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, and Harrison Ford in that order and throughout the panel.

- Hardwick started the procedures by asking Kennedy about the Star Wars fandom and presence throughout the years. "Obviously I think a lot of people out there know that Star Wars is 100% dependent on the fans in this room and all over the world since 1976. In fact, when the movie was ready to come out, it was really the fans that built the momentum around the release of A New Hope. So we are right back in full circle, and we wanna say thank you to all of you."

- Abrams revealed that they already have a cut of the film, which they are currently editing in "an extraordinary moment where we’re fine-tuning." The director also pointed out that he's happy that Disney gave them time to do it right instead of rushing it.

- Kasdan, who made his Comic-Con debut said that "the guy that brought me here is the genius that brought us all here: George Lucas," and then proceeded to reflect on working with Lucas on Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

- Kasdan also spoke of working with Abrams. "I thought he was the funniest, most talented, most perfect choice for this movie. And then he and I spent an entire year walking around, figuring it out, [writing the script]."

- Abrams then spoke of the experience of making The Force Awakens. "There is nothing normal about getting to write a movie with Lawrence Kasdan… I’ve sat down with John Williams to show him scenes from a Star Wars movie that he hadn’t seen yet. There’s nothing normal [about this]."

- Hardwick then asked Abrams about the practical effects, and the director started talking about the video he made for Unicef, which was our first sneak peek of the film and included a little alien called Baba Joe, which Abrams than brought onto the stage to prove that he was practical.

- The character was built by Neal Scanlan and his creature shop, and is one of "hundreds" that will for the most part populate the background, however Abrams points out that they offer the actors something tangible to respond and interact during the scene.

- Still on the visual effects, Abrams said, "of course it’s Star Wars there’s gonna be a ton of visual effects… But the important thing for us was we made this authentic."

- Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and Oscar Isaac came out.

- Ridley was the first one quizzed about her role, and was asked about the physical demands of the film, and her training routine. "As you’ve seen in the teaser, we were running through 110 degree heat, and those explosions were real."

- Isaac was then asked if he had received any advice about piloting, to which he responded, "As an excited eager actor I wanted to talk to Harrison Ford about piloting, and he said, "Um, it’s fake. And also it’s in space so the same stuff doesn’t apply."

- Isaac also added that his character "Poe was watching on Yarvin when the medal ceremony was happening and saying, ‘I wanna be that.’"

- Hardwick then proceeded to introduce the dark side of the force in The Force Awakens, and brought in Adam Driver (Kylo Ren), Gwendoline Christie (Captain Phasma), and Domhnall Gleeson (General Hux).

- Christie was the first to talk and she said "This is so out of control," to which Hardwick replied, "You know you’re on Game of Thrones right?"

- Though he didn't reveal much about his character, Driver did say "We didn’t really have a lot of conversations about bad or evil, actually, when we were shooting it. It was more what do you think the difference between being bad and being right?… Thinking their right is almost more evil. A group of people who have decided that they’re morally justified in behaving a certain way."

- Gleeson was even more tight lipped than Driver about his character but jokingly said that since "he's British, so yeah" when asked if General Hux was pure evil.

- Christie was more opened about her character and revealed that, "I found it not only exciting that there was a female Stormtrooper, but it was the opportunity to explore a female character that is totally not about the way she looks in flesh. That armor is the exterior, and it’s more about the outside feeding in."

- Carrie Fisher was introduced onto the stage.

- Carrie Fisher being Carrie Fisher had a unique response to what it was like returning to the franchise. "It was like a flashback. I thought, ‘They were right about the acid flashbacks," to plenty of laughter. "I always said it was a little like before, but we looked more melted."

- Mark Hamill also came out onto the stage and spoke about the "out of body experience" Star Wars means to so many people, adding, "I’m moved by the connection to the world. Suddenly you’re a friend to everyone."

- The panel seemed like it was about to end and then suddenly Harrison Ford appears and spoke about returning. "Well it should’ve felt ridiculous. It was 30 freaking years ago and I sort of grew up. It was something I did so long ago, and I will tell you that it felt great. I wasn’t so sure it would, but the company was the right company, the director was the right director, Larry wrote us a wonderful story, and I was proud and grateful to once again be involved. The original Star Wars that I was part of really was the beginning of my working life, and I was very, very grateful for the opportunity that I had in that film, and the success I had in that film, so it was great to be back."

The panel truly ended, and before the Q&A started, a behind-the-scenes reel was shown (here).

- Abrams was asked about the responsibility of making a new Star Wars film. "The only answer I can say is because we love it and we care about it so much, our job is to not be blinded by that. You can just be a fan and say you’re gonna make a movie because you’re a fan… When you’re directing a scene on the Millennium Falcon, it doesn’t make it good. It’s bitchin’ because it’s on the Millennium Falcon, but it doesn’t make it good." 

- Kennedy then revealed that Gareth Edwards starts shooting Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One in three weeks.

- Someone then asked if there were any Asian characters in the film, to which Abrams replied "First of all I wanna say, ‘Go Asians!’" before adding that there are Asians in the film and that they "didn’t write the character of Finn to be any color. We didn’t write the character of Rey any color… We wanted the movie to look the way the world looks, and I think it’s important for people to recognize themselves in film." Kennedy also added, "there is every intention” to carry on what Abrams was talking about, “in all the Star Wars movies we’re going to make."

- Gleeson then spoiled things when he was asked about his reaction upon being offered a role in Star Wars. "They told me the story and who the guy was, that he was like in charge of people on a Starkiller Base." Abrams quickly stepped in and confirmed the base's name, adding that it is an homage to the original last name of Luke Skywalker.

- On the differences in theme between the original trilogy and The Force Awakens Ford replied the he didn't "know that it’s a difference of theme. It’s a development of theme, and it’s a natural progression that has occurred from the stories that we told in the first three. Perhaps an emotional rounding of the experience that we all had in the first three films," to which Hamill joked, "I was just glad I didn’t have to go to Toshi station and pick up any power converters," before talking about the fact that Luke fell in love with his sister: "We all laugh about it, but when you follow it through it must’ve been quite a traumatic experience. We were both after her," to which Ford replied, "How many times can I say I’m sorry?"

- Finally, Ford was asked on his thoughts about where Han Solo ended up. "I never thought that we would do another. I was very gratified when I read the script, because I read something that I thought was really remarkable, really well-written, with some very intriguing developments. So I was delighted to be involved and I was very happy to be part of the story and the cast again."
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