With everyone holding
their breaths for what surprises will be unveiled later today at the Lucasfilm's
Comic-Con Hall H panel, El Mayimbe has come along and possibly spoiled one. According
to the scoop-meister, Jurassic World director Colin Trevorrow will be brought
onstage and will be announced as the director of Star Wars: Episode IX.
Bringing Trevorrow into
the Lucasfilm fold and have him direct a Star Wars film is at the same time a
great and perhaps not so great moment by the studio, especially if you consider
the talent they have managed to snag, J.J. Abrams, Gareth Edwards, Rian Johnson,
and more recently Phil Lord and Chris Miller.
From a numbers point
of view, Trevorrow has proven with his $1.4+ billion Jurassic World that he can
deliver a profitable franchise film, but from a creative standpoint that's when
things get a little tough for the filmmaker. Though enjoyable, Jurassic World
lacked magic, thrill, and enough character moments that would make it truly standout
from the rest.
Source - Heroic Hollywood
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