Thomas Tull from Legendary Pictures has reached a deal with the Jimi
Hendrix estate (Experience Hendrix) to produce a biopic about the famed
musician. This is big news since estate has blocked numerous projects in the
past including Legendary's in order to protect the rock legend legacy, and more
recently Jimi: All Is By My Side penned by 12 Years a Slave writer John Ridley,
and starring Andre Benjamin.
According to Deadline, Paul Greengrass who is currently developing a new
installment of the Bourne franchise with Matt Damon coming out in 2016, is in
talks to direct the biopic from a script penned by Scott Silver (The Fighter).
The site also points out that the reason for the initial roadblocking was
due to fear that a film would hurt the sales of Hendrix music. However, we
should expect that popular songs like Purple Haze or Voodoo Child to become
available now that a deal has been made.
As for who should play the music icon, it looks like Greengrass and Tull
have talked with Anthony Mackie, who is currently working on Marvel's Captain
America: Civil War which also comes out in 2016.
Source - Deadline
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