Since 2012 with the premiere of The Avengers many fans have been dreaming with the possibility of seeing other main characters like Spider-Man or the X-Men merge forces and fight alongside Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, even actor Hugh Jackman, who plays Wolverine in X-Men and in the solo films, has expressed the desire of having his signature character fighting alongside Cap, Hulk, Iron Man and the Hulk, and although the producer of the X-Men franchise, Lauren Shuler Donner publicly admitting that she loves the idea of an X-Men/Avengers team-up, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige says people should not hold their breath.
Now it was the time for The
Amazing Spider-Man producer to speak his mind about the whole situation.
Producer Avid Arad told in a recent interview to TF that, there was nothing to
gain with the possible merge of The Avengers and Spider-Man. Arad is a former
Marvel Studios executive and still remains attached as a producer to some properties
based on Marvel content.
“I for one don’t see the value for us in it. I
think we’re doing such a good job with the Spider-Man Universe. Spider-Man is
arguably the number one character in the world. He shouldn’t make a cameo.”
Well Spider-Man being “the number
one character in the world” might be a little bit farfetched, but regardless of
that, it seems that Arad spoke a little bit too soon and perhaps without realizing
that it isn’t his decision to make, so he polished his answer and gave it
another go.
“a natural alliance for some
reason…I cannot talk for Sony.”
Now was time for another producer
of The Amazing Spider-Man films to speak about the whole thing. Matthew
Tolmach, who is currently producing The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Venom and
Sinister Six spin-off films had this to say.
“The practical side of it is,
look, how many movies have we just talked about? It’s all we can do to build
that universe. We’re not going beyond that.”
Although it’s true that Sony,
producers and creative team behind The Amazing Spider-Man and spin-off movies
have their hands more than full at the moment, their main problem is of sharing
the box-office revenue with another big studio and maybe, just maybe becoming redundant in the whole process, i mean who would you want to produce your film, the guys from The Amazing
Spider-Man, which did very well at the box-office or The Avengers, which did
extremely well at the box-office?
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