F MARVEL/NETFLIX SERIES PART 3 – Jessica Jones (SPOILERS) | Galactic News One


We already posted the brief history of Iron Fist (here) and Luke Cage (here) now it’s time for Jessica Jones.

The character history is at its purest, since there are more arcs and stories in the character’s comic book run.

Jessica was a student at Midtown High School and had a crush on her fellow student Peter Parker (before he was Spider-Man) and a fixation on Fantastic Four’s Johnny Storm, aka the Human Torch. One day while on a car trip with her family to Disney World, Jessica’s father lost control of the car and got involved in an accident with an army truck that was transporting some unidentified experimental material, to which she got exposed to. Jessica went into a coma while her father, mother and brother died. Months later still in a coma, while the Fantastic Four clashed with Galactus right outside her hospital window Jessica woke up. Now alone, she was placed in a home for wayward children before being adopted by a family named Jones and thus Jessica Jones is re-born.

One day while running home from school in an emotional disturbed state, Jessica began manifesting superhuman powers, like flying, which led her to crash in the bay, where she was rescued by Thor. Soon after she realized that she also possessed super-strength. While testing her new found powers, Jessica defeated her first villain, Spider-Man’s foe Scorpion. Now a hero, Jessica adopted the Jewel persona and begun fighting crime.

Now an established hero, Jewel encounters Purple Man, who by using his pheromones powers takes control over Jessica’s mind and makes her his puppet. After months of psychological and physical abuse, the Purple Man makes Jessica break into Avengers Mansion and attack his nemesis Daredevil. Jessica attacked the first superhero she saw, the Scarlet Witch, which made her break free from the Purple Man’s control. Thinking that she couldn’t explain her actions, Jessica tries to flee but is pursued by the Avengers and takes a powerful blow to head by Vision. Ms. Marvel helps Jessica from sustaining further injuries but unfortunately Jessica is rendered comatose once again. S.H.I.E.L.D. takes her in and asks X-Men’s the Phoenix, aka Jean Grey to help Jessica with her telepathic powers. After waking up and undergo weeks of physical rehabilitation, she is offered a position as S.H.I.E.L.D.’s liaison with the Avengers. After a long list of traumatic events, Jessica thought her life as a masked superhero was over, plus Purple Man’s abuse left Jessica unsure of herself, especially when trying to be romantically involved with someone, so Jessica resigns.

Sometime after leaving her Jewel name behind, Jessica briefly returns to the crime fighting live as Knightress before quitting all together and opening her own private investigator firm, called Alias Investigations.

One of her many cases as a private investigator was when Matt Murdock’s, aka Daredevil secret identity was exposed and Murdock hires Jessica and Hero-for-Hire Luke Cage as bodyguards. Cage and Jones had a brief fling.

One day some relatives of the Purple Man victims asked Jones if she could talk with him so they could get some kind of closure. Still afflicted by her time under the Purple Man’s control and with the help of Cage, Jones decides to confront her abuser. One day during a riot in prison, the Purple Man escapes and once again tries to take over Jessica’s mind. A psychic fail safe left years before by the Phoenix is activated when the Purple Man tries to take control and Jessica knocks him down with one blow. After the confrontation, Jessica informs Cage that she is expecting his child and both move in together. After a long relationship with Cage and after their daughter is born, Jessica and Cage marry.

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