F Jurassic World Pitch Trailer | Galactic News One

Jurassic World Pitch Trailer

Earlier today Colin Trevorrrow’s Jurassic Park 4 got a name and a release date, Jurassic World and June 12, 2015, now a “pitch trailer” has surfaced online.

Despite Frank Marshal’s confirmation that the “pitch trailer” has nothing to do with the film, it  was apparently shown to Steven Spielberg and Kathleen Kennedy

“All I can say is this video was shown as part of Iain McCaig’s presentation at the recent Star Wars convention in Germany (he’s the fantastic concept artist and designer of Darth Maul). I can only presume it was part of a pitch for reigniting the JP movie franchise, if anyone can confirm please let me know. It was apparently shown to Kathleen Kennedy and Steven Spielberg. Mr McCaig actually said “it certainly got Steven interested in dinosaurs again…” I just think is so cool.””

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